Breaking Bad: 10 Fates That The Remaining Characters Deserve

6. Uncle Jack

Breaking Bad Uncle Jack Jack stands apart in some ways from the rest of his pals, seeming somewhat more intelligent and pragmatic than them. He was smart enough to disregard Walt's request to pull back after he was summoned for protection, he realized that Walt represented a sizeable asset to him (and also probably realized he was in police custody), and he made sure to protect his investment. Unlike the rest of his crew, he does seem to have some sympathy for Walt €“ based mostly on Todd's respect for him €“ leaving him one of his barrels of money after stealing the rest of them and dismissing his crew's questions about this with a sarcastic "What's with all the greed?" However, he's still a meth-dealing Nazi murderer, right? In the end, how much sympathy can you possibly have for him? A perfectly ironic fate would be for Walt to coolly dispatch him with the M60 from his trunk after some torture and information extraction( "Where's my money?" would seem to be the most pertinent question), then bury him in the now-empty barrel that he allowed Walt to keep, right by the bullet-ridden bodies of Hank and Gomez. And that's the last time anyone sees or thinks about Uncle Jack ever again, because even a Nazi with some vague moral compass is still a Nazi.
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Breaking Bad
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Hi there, What Culture-ers! I'm William Graff, a 40-year old freelance writer from the wilds of Capitol Hill in beautiful Denver, Colorado. I enjoy many things such as beer, Doctor Who, The Simpsons, record collecting, stand-up comedy, long aimless walks, and of course the Broncos, which is required by law if you live here. I appreciate all feedback for my writing, but I prefer cash and/or deleted Smiths singles in lieu of praise. Rock on!