Breaking Bad: 10 Fitting Ways Walter White Could Die

1. Death By Cancer

Breaking Bad Forget meth, murder, danger, risk, police and remember one thing; the man has terminal lung cancer. After all, Walt has done and gotten away with as result of getting this disease, his catalyst should aptly also be his downfall. As an audience, we would feel cheated if this didn't destroy him. His hair in Denny's is nothing but a red herring, its growth evidence that he is no longer under going chemotherapy and his cough implying that its back to finish him off, just before he does one last thing (hence the need for the machine gun). Watching a man of such power and luck become a shell and slowly die from a disease nobody can get away from would be a subtle yet stark way to end the series - it won't happen this way as it is too obvious, but nothing would be more harrowing or fitting than ending the whole thing with a danger none of us can escape. Like this article? Agree of disagree? Let us know in the comments section below.
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