Breaking Bad: 10 Fitting Ways Walter White Could Die

2. Death By Jesse

jesse Poor Jesse Pinkman. The guy is clearly the most loveable character. His moral compass is always in the right place, he just seems to have a complete knack for making bad decisions and surrounding himself with the wrong people. The biggest mistake he has ever made in his life (or at least what we have had the privilege of seeing) is hooking up with Mr White. Walter has made his life a wreck on so many occasions that he deserves to be killed by the hand of Jess. Despite being responsible for helping him control piles of money that they have made together, Walt has also ruined his him. Let's look at the evidence: He got him into the drug trade again, at a stage in his life where he was desperately seeking solace, he has allowed his beloved (albeit whirlwind romance) choke on her own vomit and die a grizzly death as Jess slept next to her unknowingly. He was also forced to execute in cold blood the nicest, kindest geek that has ever worked in the drug trade, he poisoned his girlfriend's son for his own gain and finally, he condescends him and treats him like an idiot in pretty much every scene they share. Walt needs to die for these reasons alone, but more than this, Jesse needs to be the one to kill him. And just think, Jesse was only written in for one season. Imagine the how little interest the character of Walt would command if he was alone in this madness, it would be a poor show.
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Breaking Bad
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Shaun does not enjoy writing about himself in the third person. The rest? I will tell you in another life, when we are both cats...