Breaking Bad: 10 Fitting Ways Walter White Could Die

7. Death By Siege

breaking bad review Picture how perfect that would be - his stupid Pontiac Aztek that always seems to reincarnate throughout 54 hours of television, despite being sold to a mechanic for $50 will somehow come back to him. Cut to a scene of him riding out into the dusty sun drenched, orange hue desert as hordes of police cars and helicopters tail him OJ style. It would work perfectly, and watching him die in a hail of bullets or driving of the edge of a cliff in a you'll-never-take-me-alive fashion would make some fantastic television. To quote an overused TV guide hyperbolic cliché - it would be explosive. This is, of course, considering the fact that Hank will indeed go public with his Walt knowledge. The reason he might be a little hesitant, though? The money he accepted for his medical treatment/learning how to walk again came from Walt€™s drug money. Currently, he still thinks his insurance paid for it all, whereas Marie got it from Skylar and Walt thinking it was €œgambling winnings." There is a posh lawyer term called 'accessories after the fact' that is referenced in an episode by Skylar and batted back by Walt: Skyler: "You'd be making us accessories after the fact." Walt: "How do you think we've been paying our bills these last six months?" This basically means that Hank cannot turn him in without being held accountable himself and being an 'accessory after the fact' even if he didn't have any knowledge of it. It is the same reason everyone€™s favourite housewife couldn't turn in Walt herself when she found out, because all of their bills etc had been paid using drug money. Thanks to fellow WhatCulture contributor Richard Cracknell for this theory.
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