Breaking Bad: 10 Fitting Ways Walter White Could Die

4. Death By Hank

hank breaking bad Hank may have it in him to be a killer when presented with danger (Tuco, The Twins), but has he got it in him to take down Walter White? If put in a 'him or me' situation, will he be able to put a bullet in his brother in law? I am not so sure. It would be fitting for Hank to be the one to finally stop him, after being so stupidly blind all this time, but as a viewer I really don't want this one to come to fruition. I love the condescending yet loving affection Hank displays to Walt, it is something that has made his lack of clarity so entertaining and forgivable. It would be a real shame to see this happen, but it really, really could be the way to go. I am thinking of a Heat style ending, respect for each other seeping out as Hank cradles Walt into his last moments, knowing that he has won the battle and the war, the gun that will be responsible for his death still smoking in his hand. A small, isolated battle followed by the last lines of the show being shared between these two as the scene fades to black, in that respect, would be perfection.
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Shaun does not enjoy writing about himself in the third person. The rest? I will tell you in another life, when we are both cats...