Breaking Bad: 10 Fitting Ways Walter White Could Die

5. Death By Random

This is the most playful option on the list and easily the most believable in this insane consequence driven universe. Imagine the scene, Walter runs out into the road to get away from his pain in the ass wife, only to be smashed full pelt by a car driven by a complete stranger and killed instantly. That stranger then turns out to have some sort of loose connection to Walt, a life that he has effected in some sort of obscure way. It would be the kind of shocking, seemingly unrelated story arc that twists the whole story into total surprise, something that Breaking Bad has been doing since day dot. For an example of complete randomness, I point you towards exhibit A: The death of a drug addict that could have been saved by Walt if he wasn€™t such a selfish bastard and/or because he sees it as an easy way to save his cooking partner from the clutches of heroin. This death inadvertently causes a plane crash due to the absent minded father of the victim returning to his job as an air traffic control officer way too quickly after her death which caused two dead bodies to land in Walter's front garden. This in turn literally displayed the consequences of his actions on his very front door, yet still, he is ignorant to this being his fault. He still carries the Teddy bear eye around with him when he is subsequently kicked out by Skylar, yet never actually understands its full meaning and implication. Incredible television and hugely random to this word, too.

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Breaking Bad
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Shaun does not enjoy writing about himself in the third person. The rest? I will tell you in another life, when we are both cats...