Breaking Bad: 10 Most Brutal Deaths In The Series So Far

2. Tortuga's Decapitation... And Tortoise Mounting

Breaking Bad Tortuga I have to admit, Tortuga's death and subsequent... Tortoise mounting made me spit out my cornflakes when I watched this episode one morning. The season two episode, 'Negro y Azul', saw drug runner Tortuga inform on his associates in a meeting with the DEA. But his betrayal doesn't go unpunished as later, on a stake-out, Hank and his El Paso colleagues stumble upon a tortoise wandering through the desert with Tortuga's severed head mounted on its shell. Hank wretches while the other agents laugh, before one of them goes to pick Tortuga's head off the back of the animal, causing a fatal explosion. Later, in season three, flashbacks show that Juan Bolsa was responsible after tricking Tortuga into thinking the tortoise was his pet, before the 'Cousins' burst in and decapitated him with a machete. Definitely one of the more violent executions, while the subsequent desecration of the body put the icing on the gore cake.
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Joseph is an accredited football journalist and has interviewed nearly all of the current 20 Barclay's Premier League managers. He is also a correspondent for Bleacher Report and has written for Caught Offside and Give Me Football.