Breaking Bad: 10 Worst Things Jesse Pinkman Has Ever Done

6. Breaking Jane's Sobriety

Breaking bad

The closest we ever see Jesse to genuine happiness is his brief relationship with Jane Margolis. His erstwhile landlord quickly falls in love with him in spite of his obvious criminal qualities, and for a spell the two are happy together. Then, she agrees to smoke some crystal with him and it all goes downhill terribly quickly.

Of course it was Jane’s own decision to get back on drugs, but Jesse putting her in the position he does is a terrible moment for him. He knows full well that she’s in recovery, and that she takes her sobriety seriously. And yet he continues to smoke meth in the apartment next to hers, and allows her to throw away all her hard work.

Taking the moment further, Jane’s precipitous descent back into heroin leads to her choking death (though Walter is of course majorly culpable for this), and in due course to the mid-air collision of two planes as Jane’s bereaved air traffic controller father breaks down on the job.

This is one that haunts Jesse presumably forever (certainly to the point of El Camino). Even when he discovers the part Walt played in Jane’s death, he still feels her ghost - and his part in her death - as heavily as anyone.

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Breaking Bad
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Yorkshire-based writer of screenplays, essays, and fiction. Big fan of having a laugh. Read more of my stuff @ (if you want!)