Breaking Bad: 10 Worst Things Jesse Pinkman Has Ever Done

7. Getting His Friends Into Trouble

Breaking bad

Jesse’s loyalty to his daft pals is one of his great features. Badger, Skinny Pete et al really don’t offer too much to any self respecting criminal organisation, but all the same Jesse still keeps them close, and aside from the odd falling out, their friendship prevails throughout all the nonsense Jesse experiences.

But while they’re eager to lend a clumsy hand in exchange for some walking around money or their next hit, for the sake of their safety Jesse should have severed his professional ties with his gang a long time ago. He has them selling for him when he starts skimming from the superlab, no doubt punishable by death all round were Gus to catch wind.

Later, he enlists them when he and Walt start up their own brazen cooks in fumigation tents - not quite so fraught, but certainly a serious accessory charge. He makes sure to keep them dosed up when he needs narcotic company; they in turn see him as a quasi-mythical figure.

By El Camino, Jesse has them running distraction for him as he flees from the cops. No doubt the affection he has for these goons is real, but it’s surprising he didn’t get the lot of them killed.

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Breaking Bad
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Yorkshire-based writer of screenplays, essays, and fiction. Big fan of having a laugh. Read more of my stuff @ (if you want!)