Breaking Bad: 10 Worst Things Jesse Pinkman Has Ever Done

2. Killing Gale

Breaking Bad

Jesse had done some terrible things before the climax of Season 3, but he'd never killed anybody. Walt even flat out told him that he's "not a killer" - words which no doubt echoed around his mind when he ordered Jesse to murder Gale in order to save his life a few episodes later.

At this point, the two had got themselves on the wrong side of Gus after Walt killed some of his men to stop Jesse getting shot, and somebody needed to pay. The coffee-loving Gale was brought in to take over the lab, and the only way to buy themselves some time was to take him out. Walt offered to bare the burden, but when he was ambushed, Jesse was forced into action.

This is the act that would come to define Jesse's character for the remainder of the show. Gale wasn't a drug dealer who snorted crystal meth off a bowie knife, he wasn't a gangbanger who killed children; he was as innocent as you can get in this business, and Jesse killed him in cold blood.


Writer. Mumbler. Only person on the internet who liked Spider-Man 3