Breaking Bad: 10 Worst Things Jesse Pinkman Has Ever Done

5. Calling Out Andrea For Wanting To Get High

Breaking Bad

Consider this the second part of the previous entry, as Jesse's hypocrisy gets the best of him after he tries to sell to one member of the support group.

Going home with single mom Andrea, Pinkman tempts her with some of his blue meth (not a euphemism) despite her claims that she needs to stay clean, negging her into buying from him. The sales pitch is interrupted when Andrea's son Brock comes home, and Jesse genuinely develops feelings for the woman he initially only wanted to sling dope to.

However, when she brings it up again a few days later in bed and asks if he has any crystal, he suddenly gets aggressive. He questions her ability as a mother, and ridicules her for wanting to get high before her son comes home... despite being the one tempting her in the first place and, you know, the one trying to sell drugs to people just like her.

He apologises for it straight away, but the words still cut deep.


Writer. Mumbler. Only person on the internet who liked Spider-Man 3