Breaking Bad: 10 Worst Things Walter White Has Ever Done
2. He Kidnapped And Murdered Krazy-8

Before Gus Fring, before Tuco, and before Heisenberg, Walt and Jesse tried to move their product through Krazy-8, cousin of Jesse's former partner Emilio. After an altercation between the four men, Walt poisoned Krazy-8 and Emilio, leaving them to die in the RV.
Only one of the men actually perished however. While Emilio died from the poison, Krazy-8 managed to escape, wandering the neighbourhood until Walt found him and brought him into Jesse's basement, trapping him against a pillar with a bike lock around his throat.
After tossing a coin with Jesse, Walt was tasked with the murder of their would be business partner, but seeing as he was still just a high school teacher and not yet used to the life of a drug lord, he stalled, and left his captive bound in the basement with no idea when, or how, it would end.
Though he was doing everything he could to find a way out of the situation without resorting to murder, by putting off doing the deed, Walt exposed Krazy-8 to false hope and a torture of sorts, before ultimately taking his life in one of the most brutal ways possible.