Breaking Bad: 12 Best Cult Heroes

4. Todd Alquist

Like Walt Jr.'s love of breakfast, Jesse Plemons' resemblance to a certain Hollywood superstar was seized upon by internet fans and turned into a beloved meme. 'Meth Damon' (or Todd Alquist, to give his character's actual name) was voted IGN's Best TV Villain of 2013, an accolade which can be attributed to his odd mixture of naivety and amorality. Todd's turning point came shortly after Walt and Jesse's train heist where, upon noticing that a young boy had witnessed the entire event, he swiftly drew his gun and shot him dead. It remains one of the most shocking moments in Breaking Bad, an unthinkable turn of events which cemented Todd as a legitimately disturbing antagonist. He was set up as an effective opposite of the extroverted, child-loving Jesse, and was killed off in fitting fashion, brutally strangled by Pinkman in the series finale. Todd was potentially the most disturbing antagonist in Breaking Bad's extensive rogues gallery, especially for his callousness when performing even the most horrific of tasks. His popularity manifested itself in the form of memes mocking various moments, including his uncomfortable stance in the desert shootout, and his disturbingly childlike crush on Lydia.
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Highly overrated 23 year old from the North East of England. Hanging off of your gangster car.