Breaking Bad: 5 Characters We Want To See Return For Spin-Off

3. "The Cousins"

Breaking Bad The Cousins Staying with the theme of villains, how awesome would it be if we got to see more of "The Cousins" in a prequel? Portrayed by Daniel Moncada (Leonel) and Luis Moncada (Marco), "The Cousins" were Tuco Salamanca's deranged relatives who first appeared at the start of Season three seeking revenge for his death, after Tuco was shot by Hank Schrader. Leonel and Marco were two of the craziest characters in the series and their total fearlessness and hardened attitude to life saw a pile of bodies gather in their wake for most of the third series. The Cousins were responsible for some of the greatest scenes in Breaking Bad's run, such as waiting for a showering Walter to walk into his bedroom while sat patiently holding an axe - and who can forget that gunfight with Hank in "One Minute"? We'd love therefore to see more high-octane madness from the deadly duo in a spin-off.
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Joseph is an accredited football journalist and has interviewed nearly all of the current 20 Barclay's Premier League managers. He is also a correspondent for Bleacher Report and has written for Caught Offside and Give Me Football.