Breaking Bad: 5 Characters We Want To See Return For Spin-Off

1. Gustavo Fring

Breaking Bad Gustavo Fring1 Of course, the one character just about everybody wants to see return is Gustavo Fring. In fact, whether or not Giancarlo Esposito can be persuaded to continue his role and join the cast of "Better Call Saul" could hinge on the spin-off being a "Frasier" or a "Joey". Like Mike, bringing the Gus character back could well hold the key to the show's very success - that's how integral a character "The Chicken Man" became in Breaking Bad. There are some who say Breaking Bad hasn't quite been the same since Gus got his face blown off in the aptly-titled episode "Face Off" and we tend to agree - the show has missed his sinisterly-cruel split-personality. Restaurateur by day, Drug Kingpin by night, Gus was one of the most feared characters in Breaking Bad and later one of the more loathsome ones due to the fact he served as Heisenberg's arch-nemesis. The Doctor Octopus to Walt's Spiderman, the two clashed in one of Breaking Bad's most memorable of episodes and we'd quite frankly go nuts if he was confirmed for "Better Call Saul". Which characters do you want to see return for the Breaking Bad prequel? Let us know in the comment section, below.
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Joseph is an accredited football journalist and has interviewed nearly all of the current 20 Barclay's Premier League managers. He is also a correspondent for Bleacher Report and has written for Caught Offside and Give Me Football.