Breaking Bad: 6 Possible Fates for Walter White

1. Walter Will Run Off Into the Sunset

Walter will be unable to live his normal life, or his life before becoming a meth cook now that Hank knows his secret (unless of course he kills Hank before Hank tells anyone else- perhaps with poison). The only way and the only real realistic option for the show in which I can see Walter getting away with his crime and either not dying or not spending his life in jail is if he flees the country. Perhaps the scene at the beginning of season 5 is in fact the last scene in the entire show, and he is buying the machine gun just in case he needs it, and is actually planning on escaping to Mexico or something along those lines. If he does take the Thelma and Louise route and run from the police this could easily lead into a cool chase like movie sequel... although a Breaking Bad movie which doesn't feature meth cooking of some-kind seems a little unlikely. That said, Walter could run away to another country and set up business again to sustain himself... this could easily become a movie if you ask us. If Walter were to die, would there or could there be a movie without him? Maybe, but it is very unlikely. If he does take the wimps way out, he will almost certainly be doing this alone. It is highly unlikely, in fact almost certain that Jesse will not follow him. Jesse's arc seems to be going in the opposite direction to Walter's, so either Jesse will die at the end of the series (very likely at this point) go to prison, or live his life completely free. I can't imagine the show creators will really allow Walter to run off into the sunset unless they finish this series with a movie and show Walter getting what he deserves by the movies end, but I could easily imagine the show creators wouldn't have a problem with allowing Jesse freedom and forgiveness for his crimes. Despite Jesse clearly being a criminal, a lot of his actions have been understandable in the contest and therefore have been forgivable. Walter's crime used to be forgivable but now certainly aren't... so do we even want him to get away with this and would we be happy seeing him running off into the sunset to start a new life for himself? I am not sure... maybe? But this doesn't quite seem epic enough as a closure for the series, and I for one would be a little annoyed if the series ended with what is essentially a cliffhanger for the much rumored and talked about Breaking Bad movie. Also, Walter running off into the sunset is the most cliche ending there could possibly be, and Breaking Bad isn't exactly a cliche show. However, killing off the main character of a show is very conventional, especially in a tragedy which this series is so if the show wants a surprising ending, it seems like none of these choices will actually have that effect. Perhaps Skylar will kill him? That would be unexpected. Or perhaps he will even bite the dust in a completely unpredictable way... perhaps in a simple everyday accident, or in a car crash? Sounds kind of lame but could actually be quite effective done in the right way. I doubt it however, and I am pretty sure the show will end with either a Jesse/Walt confrontation or a Hank/Walt confrontation or very likely both. The wild card choice however is that Walter Jr will kill his father... certainly would be unexpected, and I can't imagine he will react all that well when he finds out his father is a mass murdering meth cook. However the show ends, one things for sure- Summer 2013 can't come soon enough. Man will this be good.
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Breaking Bad
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I am a recent Screenwriting for Film and Television graduate from the UK. I am an unashamed geek who loves everything Marvel, and anything Joss Whedon has ever touched (except for maybe Alien Resurrection and Titan A.E). My current favorite TV shows are Breaking Bad, Family Guy, House of Cards, Game of Thrones, American Horror Story, Homeland and Glee. I look forward to debating things with all of you in the future. (As of January 2013 I have had over 1 million views since joining WhatCulture in September 2012. You can reach me at