Breaking Bad: Every Season Ranked Worst To Best
1. Season 5
Given how neatly everything wrapped up in Season 4, Vince Gilligan could have easily decided to stop Breaking Bad after Gus' death. Sure, there were some questions that fans would have been speculating about for years and years, but you don't necessarily want to mess with a good thing either. There was another season though, and the writers apparently decided to casually make the greatest season in television history.
Compared with the slower moments in the earlier seasons, Season 5 has absolutely no brakes from the moment it starts, with Walt trying to cover up any loose ends from his last few stunts. Once he knows he's got himself covered though, we are treated to the real downfall of Heisenberg. From being fueled by greed to start cooking again to eventually having Hank on his trail trying to prevent him running out the clock, Walt's last few moments on this Earth play out like Shakespearean tragedy.
Hell, the real emotional weight of this entire season is Jesse, who's been treated like a mistreated dog and finally gets some semblance of sanity back once Walt finally agrees to let him go after taking out Uncle Jack's gang of neo-Nazis.
Though El Camino provided a nice silver lining to Jesse getting out of Albuquerque, this final season is a sendoff for the legend that is Heisenberg. He may have sank to the lowest lows a human could possibly go to, but you can't say that he didn't live his life on his own terms.