Brooklyn Nine-Nine: 10 Best Episodes Ranked

6. Coral Palms (Parts 1, 2, And 3)

Brooklyn Nine Nine

Ok yes, these three episodes are being counted as one because it's near impossible to separate which of the three is best. Each is insanely funny and you need the other two to appreciate the one you're watching. They give us some of the best Jake and Holt moments from the entire show so to separate them would be wrong.

The scene of Jake eating his sad 'hot tub burrito' with Holt looking on disapprovingly is gold. That combined with the two of them clashing at their rubbish entertainment centre jobs, and Holt's newly found love for his walking group makes for brilliant TV>

Then on top off all that you have the introduction of Captain Stentley, possibly the 99's most incompetent and useless CO. We also have Maya Rudolph as the Handler of Jake and Holt's witness protection who has some serious relationship problems involving her "really young" Cuban lover.

It then steps up a gear during and after Jake and Holt's arrest, which sees them overcome a homophobic Florida PD officer. After this, the rest of the 99 arrive to help the two escape their Coral Palms nightmare, which produces some of the show's best Holt and Gina banter.

Let’s face it who doesn’t burst out laughing at the two of them yelling "boost my bottom"? There is so much classic 99 humour in these three episodes, and they just flow into each other so well that you can't just pick one.


Daniel Matthews hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.