Brooklyn Nine-Nine: 10 Best Episodes Ranked

4. Captain Latvia

Brooklyn Nine Nine

If you don't like this episode, then do you even like Brooklyn 99? Seriously, what more can you want than an entire episode centred around Boyle using his "mommy strength" to find an action figure for Nikolaj?

This episode brought a whole new meaning to the phrase "going full Boyle". The man that actively admits to his dogs being his alphas, is suddenly able to shatter jars with his bare hands and take out Latvian mobsters twice his size.

Boyle is even able to get a laugh out of some bulky and intimidating bouncers with a joke that, in any other scenario, would see him quite literally kicked to the curb. He also manages to effectively use his "musk" to get answers out a night club's attractive manager, something a non-mommy strength Boyle would never be able to do.

It would also be a mistake not to mention Charles using the Boyle family trait of a "flat ass" in order shuffle free of a tight space - although, he does do this while making incredibly intimate and uncomfortable eye contact with Jake. This episode has to be up there as one of the best, and it showed us an entirely new side of Charles.


Daniel Matthews hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.