Brooklyn Nine-Nine: 10 Best Episodes Ranked

3. He Said, She Said

Brooklyn Nine Nine

This is yet another prime example of 99's ability to tackle big issues with becoming preachy. While there are plenty of jokes and physical comedy about a "broken penis", the show still manages to highlight the struggle it’s focusing on.

It also shows more of the characters' humanity as well as the love and support they have for one another. The best example of this comes from Jake and Amy, as Amy reveals to her husband that, at her previous precinct, her former CO tried to kiss her in ‘repayment’ for giving her the best cases. Upon hearing this, Jake goes to get his wife the supplies she needs to continue fighting, as well as a hairbrush. Although, he makes it clear that she doesn’t have to use it unless she chooses to.

There are plenty of moments like this throughout the episode. Jake continuously develops his awareness of the issue, to the extent that he stays up all night watching a Netflix documentary.

The B-plot in this episode takes a very different tone but dishes out a lot of laughs. It sees Holt, Terry, and Charles hunt down one of the Captain's archenemies, the disco-strangler. Holt’s insecurity at his best days being behind him sees him go full old-school enforcer and it’s hilariously OTT.


Daniel Matthews hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.