Brooklyn Nine-Nine: 10 Things That Must Happen Before It Ends

4. The Vulture Actually Gets His Act Together

bruce willis john mcclane

Detective Pembroke is one of the most detestable characters in the show. This irritating and genuinely awful human being is the complete antithesis to Jake. While Peralta's goofy immaturity is a charming part of his personality, Pembroke's is a constant source of frustration and antagonism. His endless arrogance and constant theft of the Nine-Nine's cases earned him the nickname The Vulture, but before the show ends, it's time to see The Vulture shed his wings.

We haven't seen Detective Pembroke since season six, when he was a part of the Suicide Squad. His return to the show will likely cause the Nine-Nine to prick up their ears and be on high-alert, but the best direction for this character is to actually allow him to change his behaviour and become a better person.

The show teaches a lot about being understanding, and self-improvement, so it would be on-brand for them to show that no matter how toxic you are, there is a chance to get better. While a full-fledged transformation would be too much, it would be incredibly nice to see Keith making an effort to improve, and maybe even settling down after his last attempt went sour.

Someday, even The Vulture has to grow up.


Michael is my name, overanalysing comedy is my game! Anime, wrestling, TV, movies and video games all live in my head rent free!