Brooklyn Nine-Nine: 10 Worst Characters Who Appeared After Season 1

7. Seth Dozerman

Brooklyn Nine-Nine Kate Peralta

Bill Hader is certainly no stranger to every aspect of comedy. Whether that be as a writer for seminal shows such as South Park, or portraying characters in classics such as Curb Your Enthusiasm and Superbad, Hader is never short on prowess when it comes to exemplifying just how to do comedy. Unless you're referring to his tenure on Brooklyn Nine-Nine, which, realistically, may actually be the poorest he's ever been, looking more like he's trying to advocate for the comedy rather than corroborate it.

In his thankfully short tenure on the show, he supersedes everyone in the precinct to become the commissioner when Holt (temporarily) leaves. In the few episodes he appears in, he does nothing but shout boisterously at everyone and everything, barking orders around like a dog with tourettes and convivial - if not jovial - when around Jake Peralta.

That is before Peralta and Santiago are caught kissing in the evidence room, which unexpectedly, but yet again, as sinister as it may sound, this thankfully leads to him having a heart attack and leaving the series in a casket, meaning that there's no way back for him.

Disclaimer: we don't encourage or condone that you give your boss a heart attack.


My name is Callum Marsh, but people tend to either call me Cal or Marsh (very creative, I know). Contact: