Brooklyn Nine-Nine: Every Main Character RANKED

5. Amy Santiago

Brooklyn Nine-Nine

Amy Santiago’s determination to be the best has seen her become an obsessive perfectionist, but she somehow remains one of the most likable characters on the show.

The ‘teacher’s pet’ trope is potentially an annoying character trait to possess, but the way the writers explain Amy’s motivations and portray her competitiveness manage to keep the audience on her side.

Helped in large part by the performance of the charming Melissa Fumero, it always feels as though Amy’s heart is in the right place and the viewer is rooting for her to succeed in her goals.

Despite Amy’s focus on furthering her career, her biggest success is arguably her relationship, and eventual marriage, with Jake Peralta.

Amy is the perfect antidote to Jake’s carefree, immature tendencies and she has managed to keep him on track and help him grow throughout their time together. But Jake has also helped Amy calm down and not take her job too seriously, although she still has the odd moment of petty competitiveness, but that’s why we love her.


Freelance journalist and serial moaner, obsessed with the ludicrous world of professional wrestling.