Brooklyn Nine-Nine: Every Season Ranked Worst To Best (So Far)
1. Season Five
Simply put, Brooklyn Nine-Nine's fifth season is by far its most complete and rewarding. Not only does it perfectly move between the show's more touching moments and its unique brand of humour, but it also features some of the show's most beloved and iconic episodes.
First of all, there's the fifth Halloween Heist, which culminates in Jake proposing to Amy, then the pair's wedding in the season finale, Rosa's coming out as bisexual to her parents in the masterful Game Night, and the inspired bottle episode The Box, which pits Jake and Holt against a maddeningly difficult murder suspect.
There's so many brilliant moments in the season it would take all day to write them all out, but needless to say that between Jake and Kevin's stint in a safe house and some added insight into the underrated friendship of Amy and Rosa, season five is Brooklyn Nine-Nine at its most confident, mature, intelligent and emotional.
Here's to hoping the 99 can match the majesty of its spotless fifth installment with its highly anticipated final season.