Buffy The Vampire Slayer: 10 Moments Buffy Was An Absolute Badass

1. "Me"

Buffy the Vampire Slayer I'm the thing monster have nightmares about
Warner Bros.

Now going to the season two finale episode titled "Becoming: Part 2". Buffy is up against her now-evil ex-boyfriend Angelus, and must throw away all emotion if she is to best him and save the world from being sucked up by an evil hell dimension portal that Angelus has opened up.

With her back against the wall, her weapon now discarded and her friends nowhere to be seen, Angelus mocks Buffy's current predicament, asking, "No weapons... no friends... no hope... Take all that away and what's left?"

Before lunging at her with his sword, Angelus struggles for a moment, before turning back to see Buffy has caught the blade in between her hands, her eyes closed to add an extra bit of flair to the scene. She simply opens her eyes, stares Angelus directly in his and says one word back to him: "Me" - before thrusting the blade handle in Angelus's mouth.

The delivery of such a simple line sends shockwaves through the viewer's body. We see Buffy back at her best, who then proceeds to kick Angelus' ass.

This all leads to the devastating final moment, with Buffy having to send Angel to hell, who is now back to his normal soul-riddled self thanks to a spell Willow managed to pull off. Badass and heartbreaking.

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Sean Lawson hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.