Buffy The Vampire Slayer: 10 Moments Buffy Was An Absolute Badass

2. "I'm The Thing Monsters Have Nightmares About"

Buffy the Vampire Slayer I'm the thing monster have nightmares about
20th Television

Jumping back to season seven with the episode Showtime. Buffy fights against an uber vamp who has killed a few potential Slayers under Buffy's protection. With the potentials scared, Buffy must show them what a Slayer can do.

Buffy sets up what she calls the Thunderdome, a place where the potentials can watch her do battle with the uber vamp. It works as a fantastic lure; with the potentials, Buffy, all trapped in this metal-like prison, the uber vamp can't resist itself. That's when it starts, Buffy revitalising's speech, "Looks good, doesn't it? They're trapped in here. Terrified... waiting to be picked off, having nightmares about monsters that can't be killed. But I don't believe in that. I always find a way. I'm the thing that monsters have nightmares about. And right now... you and me are gonna show 'em why..."

It's one of the best speeches from the entire show, with such raw emotion. Buffy is the thing of its nightmares; even if it doesn't realise it yet, it's about to. The adrenaline that this scene pumps through you is euphoric, witnessing Buffy taking control, dominating and breathing new life into the potentials. Letting them know she will protect them and save this world. Then absolutely decimating the uber vamp decapitating it and watching it turn to dust. Badass, epic and nothing comes close to this scene. Except for one.


Sean Lawson hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.