Buffy The Vampire Slayer: 10 Most Underused Characters

8. Maggie Walsh

Sunday Buffy
Mutant Enemy

When Professor Walsh was introduced in season four, it was clear she was more than met the eye. Eventually revealed to be the leader of the Initiative, Walsh was portrayed as cold, blunt and, in her own words, the "evil bitch-monster of death."

It became increasingly clear over the season that the Initiative were a shady bunch, with Walsh sitting right at the top of the mystery. Behind closed doors, she was creating Adam, a Frankenstein-like monster made up of various demon body parts.

This was, at its core, an intriguing set up to bigger things, but before we could learn anything about Walsh's motives, background or get any real insight into her complexities, she was killed off and replaced as the villain of the season by her own twisted creation.

Since her dislike of Buffy made for a solid rivalry and her relationship with Riley Finn formed the bulk of his season four development, it would have been nice to see her interact more with the pair, and maybe have a chance to help us understand why she did what she did.

Since Adam was such a bad character, her wasted potential just hurts even more.


I get to write about what I love, so that's pretty cool. Every great film should seem new every time you see it. Be excellent to each other.