Buffy The Vampire Slayer: 10 Most Underused Characters

6. Amy

Sunday Buffy
Mutant Enemy

Amy Madison's development was terrible to say the least. She originally turned up at the start of season one, with her mother switching bodies with her so she could relive her days as a cheerleader. Afterward, she turned up through seasons two and three, portrayed as a strong witch growing in power.

But she was also always endearing. Innocent, likeable and friends with Willow, she turned herself into a rat in season three to escape being burned at the stake, and it for some reason took Willow until season six to turn her back into her normal self.

Though her return to normality was by no means easy, Amy's personality completely changed from thereon in. Consumed by power, she exacerbated Willow's magic addition and in season seven had somehow become a villain.

It was a drastic, nonsensical change in personality, and given how lovable she was in the show's early days, it's a shame the writers assassinated Amy and her relationship with Willow so dramatically, especially when there was so much potential there for the taking.


Aidan Whatman hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.