Buffy The Vampire Slayer: 10 Worst Things Spike Ever Did

2. Murdered Two Slayers

Buffy the vampire slayer
Mutant Enemy

Season five’s “Fool For Love”, one of the series’ very best episodes, is a great showcase for Spike and James Marsters. While more often than not a comedic character to this point, here Marsters is pure cool, recounting to Buffy his adventures through the 20th century in her attempt to better understand how to survive as a slayer.

For all his visually enticing swagger, though, this is an episode built around Spike’s murder of two young women, the slayers of their day, as he rampaged around Europe and later North America as a young and vicious vampire.

The first, Xin Rong, he killed during the Boxer Rebellion. The second, Nikki Wood (whose son later emerges to settle a score) he took down on the New York subway in the ‘70s, before stealing from her his distinctive coat.

These are expertly choreographed and brutal fights that hammer home the sheer destructive power Spike possesses. He may have been effectively neutered by The Initiative at this point, but beneath his chip lies a killing machine - and this is just the highlight reel.


Yorkshire-based writer of screenplays, essays, and fiction. Big fan of having a laugh. Read more of my stuff @ www.twotownsover.com (if you want!)