Buffy The Vampire Slayer: 10 Worst Things Xander Ever Did

2. Leaving Anya At The Altar

Bewitched Bothered Buffy Xander
20th Television

Throughout season six, as his wedding to Anya approaches, Xander is seen to be having doubts. Not about his relationship with Anya, necessarily, but marriage in general, and fears that they will end up like his unhappily married parents.

Rather than telling Anya about his concerns, he keeps everything bottled up until the day of the Wedding. The situation comes to a head with a man who shows up claiming to be Xander from the future, and shows Xander a horrifying Vision of what his future with Anya could be like.

Of course, it turns out that the man is simply a disgruntled former victim of Anya's, and everything he showed Xander was a lie. Despite knowing this, Xander abandons Anya at the altar anyway, leaving her completely heartbroken, and leading to her decision to become a Vengeance Demon once more.

This has a knock-on effect for Anya, who struggles to carry out her demonic duties after her time amongst humanity, eventually leading her into dangerous territory in the first half of Buffy's final season.

The worst part is, the whole situation might have been avoided if Xander had only had the sense to talk through his concerns with Anya earlier.


Kristy Anderson hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.