Buffy The Vampire Slayer: 10 Worst Things Xander Ever Did

1. Not Telling Buffy About The Spell To Re-ensoul Angel

Bewitched Bothered Buffy Xander
Warner Bros.

For a significant portion of Buffy The Vampire Slayer's second season, Buffy and the Scooby Gang's biggest problem is dealing with Angelus, the scarily evil vampire that Angel becomes after losing his soul. Things get worse when Angelus teams up with Spike and Drusilla to summon Acathla, a demon that will end the world.

Thankfully, the gang are thrown a last minute lifeline when Willow discovers Jenny's research into the curse to re-ensoul Angel. Willow, who has been studying magic since Jenny's death, readies to perform the spell herself, while Xander is sent to inform Buffy of the plan before she departs to battle Angelus.

Instead, Xander simply tells Buffy to kick his ass.

Some argue that it was for the best that Buffy didn't know, that waiting for Angel to be restored might have led her to pull her punches while fighting Angelus. It's also very likely that it would not have changed anything. Even after he was re-ensouled, Buffy had to kill Angel to stop Acathla.

Whatever the outcome though, Xander still lied to his best friend. He kept vital information from her regarding the fate of the love of her life.

Buffy never finds out about the lie, so Xander never faces any consequences. For many fans, lying to Buffy about Angel will always be the worst thing that Xander has ever done.


Kristy Anderson hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.