Buffy The Vampire Slayer: 20 Greatest Moments

9. Willow And Tara Kiss

Buffy Greatest Moments
Mutant Enemy

Amongst everything else, Buffy also broke new ground in putting Willow and Tara together, creating one of the first major lesbian relationships on TV in the process. It took until season five's The Body until we got to see the couple kiss, in a sweet and tremendously well-handled scene.

As Willow cries over Joyce's death, she shares a brief kiss with Tara. And that's it. Whereas a lesser show would have made a big deal out of it, Buffy just treats the kiss as the normal, tender moment that it is and drops it into the episode in a completely organic way.

After receiving resistance from the network, Joss Whedon threatened to quit if the scene wasn't aired - thankfully, they came to their senses and allowed it.


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