Buffy The Vampire Slayer: Every Season Ranked Worst To Best

4. Season Six

Buffy The Vampire Slayer
Mutant Enemy

In many ways, it's easy to understand why Season Six is such a divisive season of the show for many fans. But once you look past the bleak tones and the devastation that comes with "Seeing Red" (seriously, that episode HURTS), what you're left with is a clever and more mature season that delves into themes of depression, sex, addiction and friendship with ease and some well executed scripts.

Even the Trio, who are at first silly and a touch too slapstick, become more dangerous as the season goes on, giving us the dark and crushing episodes "Dead Things" and "Entropy". Also, Adam Busch's role as the despicable Warren Mears cannot be dismissed, and Alyson Hannigan's turn as a Big Bad is deeply affecting.

This is the season which also brought fans "Once More with Feeling", a musical episode which hits all the right notes (sorry again). Unfortunately, we don't get enough of Dark Willow and watching Xander leave Anya at the altar is a bit too much to bear. But at least we get the yellow crayon speech...


I get to write about what I love, so that's pretty cool. Every great film should seem new every time you see it. Be excellent to each other.