Buffy The Vampire Slayer: Every Season Ranked Worst To Best

3. Season Five

Buffy The Vampire Slayer
Mutant Enemy

Season Five is truly fantastic, and a lot of it comes down to Glory. Narcissistic, cruel and unabashed by her evil intentions, Glory is Buffy's most formidable and fun to watch opponent. However, the true strength of the season comes in the form of Buffy's fabricated sister, Dawn, who is placed within the narrative without much of an explanation why.

When her purpose is revealed, however, the threat of the Big Bad becomes more personal than ever. Though some fans dismiss her as annoying or shrill, which she can be, Dawn's relationship with Buffy give our protagonist a relationship outside of boyfriends, and it's great to see.

"The Body" is the best episode of the season and maybe the entire show, and characters like Spike, Giles and Willow get some brilliant moments to shine. Buffy's second sacrifice of the show is even more powerful than Season One, and her speech to Dawn as her friends react to her death is nothing short of heart breaking. In fact, Season Five would be number one if not for Riley Finn's ham-fisted exit and the far too weird Knights of Byzantium.


I get to write about what I love, so that's pretty cool. Every great film should seem new every time you see it. Be excellent to each other.