Buffy The Vampire Slayer: Ranking The Main Characters From Weakest To Strongest

4. Angel

Buffy the vampire slayer
Mutant Enemy

Between the next two entries, things are crazy tight, and this might be a controversial pick.

Angel is the ultimate in vampire evil. Spending decades as the most reviled and hated vampire to ever torture and kill their way through the world, he was unbeatable for much of his reign. It becomes clear why he was so feared when he loses his soul again in Season 2, mentally torturing and killing his way through the show's core gang.

Hand to hand, he could best everyone but Buffy, and as a member of the Scooby Gang he proved to be a formidable opponent. He beat Riley, could hold off the Slayer pretty well, and could happily take on a whole group of vampires single-handedly.

His strength doesn't just lie in his combat, however, as he proves (as Angelus) to be a manipulative, cruel and torturous monster taking pleasure in the pain of others and breaking his enemies before killing them.

Angel is as tough as they come, and is certainly not a vampire you'd want to cross.


i get to write about what i love, which is cool. be good to each other