Buffy The Vampire Slayer: The Worst Episode From Every Season

6. Season Two: Go Fish

Buffy The Vampire Slayer Go Fish
Mutant Enemy

Probably the single worst episode of Buffy's run, Go Fish is first and foremost an ugly homage to Creature of the Black Lagoon, as Xander goes undercover to figure out why members of the high school swim team keep dying, and finds out the swimmers are using steroids and being turned into menacing fish demons.

Thanks in equal measure to the shockingly poor visual effects and blatantly forced message that athletes shouldn't do drugs, Go Fish is a misfire from the very first scene, and is made all the more atrocious by the performances of its guest stars (including a pre-Prison Break Wentworth Miller).

If all that wasn't bad enough, it also has a disgusting allusion to sexual assault in its final moments, and falls in-between the season's two most emotionally devastating episodes - I Only Have Eyes For You and Becoming - making its nasty tone and bizarre drama all the more jarring and misplaced.


I get to write about what I love, so that's pretty cool. Every great film should seem new every time you see it. Be excellent to each other.