Buffy The Vampire Slayer: The Worst Episode From Every Season

5. Season Three: Beauty And The Beasts

Buffy The Vampire Slayer Go Fish
Mutant Enemy

Season three remains the best instalment of Buffy's run by some margin, so much so that its worst episode is far from an all-out failure, and actually has quite a lot going for it. The hook is that Oz may be killing people as a werewolf, and from there an hour of dramatic twists are set in motion.

Beauty and the Beasts is the episode that brings Angel back from the dead and forces Oz to further contemplate his curse, and whilst both of these stories lead to some great moments, the twist that Oz's friend Pete has been the killer the whole time is both lame and poorly handled.

For one thing, it's revealed Pete is abusing his girlfriend Debbie, who's relegated to damsel in distress before being victim blamed and brutally murdered. For another, the twist ends up taking focus from Angel and Oz's development. It's half-good, half-bad TV, and ends up being potential squandered.


I get to write about what I love, so that's pretty cool. Every great film should seem new every time you see it. Be excellent to each other.