Carnival Row Season 2: 10 Things We Want To See
1. A Prophecy Fulfilled?

Breakspear was Philos father, who would have thought it? That plot twist was extremely well hidden and brilliantly done by the writers. It was relatively easy to work out he was Aislings son but the Breakspear segment was real surprise. With this breaking news the prophecy that drove Piety to insanity became much more important.
Philo is a superb character, the mystery surrounding his beginnings, his love affair with Vignette and staunch defence of the Fae folk make him a very likeable character. However, it feels like this is just the beginning for him as he begins his journey to reach greater heights than the almighty Absalom Breakspear.
The question is, how is he going to achieve this? He has just aligned with the Critch and is now trapped with them. A large part of the show is based around the conflict between humans and non-humans. The best outcome would be that Philo becomes a political figurehead for the Critch and reaches new heights that way. It makes sense as they will need a leader against the Breakspear-Longerbane alliance. Philo definitely has the potential to do that and this would in some way begin to fulfil the prophecy.
It would be too much to expect him to reach the heights of Absalom in this series, he’s fantastic but he isn’t a miracle man. Seeing him grow as a leader for the Critch and beginning to fulfil his potential will be enough. It will provide great viewing and his story can only develop further from there.