Carnival Row Season 2: 10 Things We Want To See

2. More Flashbacks

Carnival Row

Flashbacks are phenomenal viewing and paramount for every good show. You may not agree but for your benefit, I shall explain why they are fantastic and fundamental to making this a great second instalment.

With Carnival Row you are just sort of chucked into a city and expected to follow the story that is on screen. Without prior research it is difficult to grasp situations and understand what is actually going on. Most people won't take time out of their day to research the world in which the programme is set and this makes flashbacks crucial.

Just look at the Tirnanoc episode, it was excellent viewing and a learning experience. It provided an insight into the war and the origins of Philo and Vignettes love story. It felt like we knew those characters much better after that episode but there are numerous key characters, we still know very little about.

How great would it be to see Agreus’ time as a skipjack? Dahlias rise to the leadership of the Black Ravens? Sophies troubled childhood? These would all help us to become affiliated with the characters and thus more engaged with the show.

With more flashbacks in the show, we as the viewers will understand the show better and won’t miss out on key parts that could be overlooked. To build for the future, one must first look to the past (or something else corny like that)

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George Wilks hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.