Carnival Row Season 2: 10 Things We Want To See
5. Sergeant Dombey Gets His Comeuppance

You know who
deserves a slap across the chops? Sergeant Dombey, that’s who. Kudos to the
actor because he plays the role extremely well. Dombey is a horrible man and
you can guarantee he is only going to get worse.
From the offset you could see the sort of character that he was, a corrupt police officer that hated the Critch. Fast forward to series two and with Jonah now in charge, he will relish any opportunity to persecute anyone that isn’t a human.
It's not crazy to be an optimist and believe karma is rife in the Burgue. As viewers we would hope so because this would mean the Sergeant is due an almighty fall. It would be a sweet storyline for Dombey to get his just desserts and the Critch can deliver. They are being forced into a situation and will eventually rebel against their oppressors. The top of their hit list? One Sergeant Dombey.
There is no sweeter feeling whilst watching a series than when one of its biggest villains gets his comeuppance. Hopefully it will be Dombey in series two.