Casting HBO's Justice League Dark

8. I, Vampire - Luke Evans

Daniel Craig John Constantine
DC Comics/Universal Pictures

The role of a sexy, British vampire sounds like one tailor-made for Robert Pattinson. Unfortunately, he is already playing DC's *checks notes* biggest and best role, so this one falls to Luke Evans.

Evans is quite the looker and has a chest deserving of the shirtless performance I, Vampire would provide him with. While he has superbly played quite a few morally ambiguous arseholes in the past, Evans is also no stranger to playing the hero, as evidenced by The Hobbit, which saw him play the reluctant hero Bard, and Robot Chicken, in which he voiced comedically-charged versions of James Bond and Wolverine.

On top of all that, if the show is written well, then this might make-up for the other time he played a vampire...


Lover of film and comics, and (according to a comment on this very website) a pulsating sack of worthless nothing!