Casting Star Trek: Voyager Reboot

5. B'Elanna Torres - Ana De Armas

Voyager Julianne Moore Seven of Nine
Paramount/Warner Bros.

Ana De Armas rose to prominence with her turn as Joi in Denis Villeneuve's Blade Runner 2049. She beautifully captured the hologram, presenting a warm and loving partner for Ryan Gosling's K. She is of Cuban-American descent, is fluent in Spanish (she acted in several Spanish language productions) and is continuing to impress with wonderful starring roles - not least being her appearance in Knives Out.

She would be perfect for the fiery half-Klingon chief engineer. B'Elanna Torres is a character who is ripe for a deeper exploration of where she comes from and what drives her. In Star Trek: Voyager, though her lineage is often spoken-about, it is predominantly her Klingon side that is favoured over her human side.

The episode Lineage is a notable exception, though does not go far enough to truly display the dichotomy of her. In this new-era of Klingons, ala Star Trek: Discovery, it would be extremely interesting to see how this split is represented in the character. While the producers of this fantasy series may not opt for full Disco-Klingon make up, having Torres be both more alien yet more curious about her humanity is something that we would be delighted to see.

Ana De Armas would be, in our opinion, absolutely perfect for this role.


Writer. Reader. Host. I'm Seán, I live in Ireland and I'm the poster child for dangerous obsessions with Star Trek. Check me out on Twitter @seanferrick