Castlevania Final Season Review: 6 Ups And 3 Downs
8. Down: Saint Germain
To be clear, Saint Germain is still a good character and the voice work by Bill Nighy remains one of the best performances on the show, but Saint Germain suffers more than anyone else when it comes to contrived character choices.
The immortal alchemist is perhaps the most bizarre and outlandish individual in the whole series but he was always at best an antihero or at worst a neutral figure. Season Four takes steps for Germain to have a darker turn, and although nothing is necessarily missing from that build-up, it happens at such a speed there is no time to digest the darker character he becomes.
Castlevania has never been scared to take its time with a change in a character's world view and attitude (more on those later) but, Saint Germain changes essentially over the course of a montage and the show is better than that.
Yes, he is never as evil as say Varney and Ratko, but his justifications are sinister and egotistical to the point of identifying as a literal God and that is a leap from what the character was like in the third season.
Still a compelling character, Saint Germain just needed more time to breathe this season as he became nefarious.