Community: 10 Best Guest Stars

2. Owen Wilson

Community John Goodman
Sony Pictures Television

In the episode with Jack Black, he joins the cool group at the end. Said group is helmed by Owen Wilson.

Owen Wilson is known for his particular acting style and for WOW-ing the crowd in every movie he's in. He has been in a variety of movies playing roles that, while acted in similar fashions, display a versatility that the actor is extremely capable of.

Wilson is a charismatic, actor, who can do both funny and serious in equal measure. His roles in Night at the Museum and Zoolander are funny and silly, while his roles in other films display a keen emotional side that the actor has.

His appearance at the end of the episode as the leader of the cool group is a fun and hilarious detail that subverts audience expectations in an episode that already contains a high-profile guest star. This is exactly the sort of off-the-wall humour that Community was known for.

Wilson has a five-second cameo, and it is hilarious and brilliant, simply by the very nature of it being him appearing. Wilson is never seen in the show again, as he and Black disappear to the cool group and exist elsewhere in Greendale, outside the realm of the study group.

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