Community: 10 Best Standalone Episodes

7. Wedding Videography

Community Jeff

Who hasn't accidentally married one of their cousins?

Garrett and Stacy are getting married! Which is great news for them, but bad news for the study group as, after crashing the wedding, they must now prove to themselves and everyone else that they aren't selfish jerks.

We tend to forget that our beloved group of besties aren't necessarily the best of people. While they aren't It's Always Sunny bad, they still kind of suck as people in some regards. A few episodes before have pointed this out, but Wedding Videography is the loudest to outright call them out on their selfish bullcrap.

The conflict of the episode is both external and internal. External in that the study group are trying to show everyone that they are in fact good people, and internal in that each character struggles with facing what makes them act like jackasses. There are of course some laugh out loud bits, like Elroy admitting to his addiction of encouraging white people, but what really makes the episode work is the way it puts the group under the microscope.

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Part-time writer, full-time Kurt Russell enthusiast.