Community: 10 Best Troy Barnes Moments

7. Setting The Air Conditioning Repair School Right

Community Troy Barnes
Sony Pictures Television

This is another moment that really is two moments. When Vice Dean Layborne finally convinces Troy to join the air conditioning repair programme it becomes clear that the school is more than it seems.

This has already been hinted at by the strange introduction given to the school, notably with Troy being kidnapped in the middle of the night to show his worth. However, it becomes even stranger when Troy actually joins and Vice Dean Layborne tells him the prophecy of 'The Truest Repairman' to which Troy replies:

"It's a Trade School. It's a two-year degree in boxes that make rooms cold."

This bit of realism off-sets the surreal nature of the episode perfectly.

The second moment in the episode some after Troy beats the new Vice Dean in the 'Sun Chamber'. Vice Dean Murray admits that he killed Layborne for his job before losing. After the battle the other repairmen condemn him to the 'Infinite Labyrinth of Eternal Ice.' Troy stops them saying

"No, take him to the police, he murdered someone."

Both times in this episodes Troy remains a level head, bringing the surreal nature of the place around him to the forefront.

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