Community: 10 Best Troy Barnes Moments

6. Taking Notes At The DnD Game

Community Troy Barnes
Sony Pictures Television

The episode Advanced Dungeons and Dragons features a classic Troy moment.

The episode focuses around the group playing a game of Dungeons and Dragons to cheer up Fat Neil. In the episode, Abed has created a character called Hector The Well-Endowed, with the intention that Troy play him. Annie ends up with the character and, in one scene, seduces and sleeps with an elf maiden in order to get some Pegasi for the team.

Annie describes blindfolding the elf maiden and proceeds to describe what she does as music comes in to cover the dialogue so that the audience only has Annie's miming and the group's horrified reactions to go by.

As this continues the camera passes over to Troy, who takes his character sheet, turns it over, and begins taking notes on what Annie is describing. As the music fades we see Abed miming being tied up. Annie says:

"I stroke her hair lovingly and spoon her for the appropriate amount of time before leaving."

Troy, without missing a beat, replies to this with:

"How long is that?"

His pencil still taking notes on what to do. His face is incredibly intense, having found something that seriously impacts him within the game.

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