Community: 10 Most Cringeworthy Moments

8. The Dean's Ridiculous Outfits - Various Episodes

Community TV Show
Sony Pictures Television

Community is a series known for its diverse, quirky and utterly eccentric cast of characters that you would genuinely struggle to find emulated elsewhere.

College Dean is absolutely unique in this regard and became a fan favourite immediately, not least because of just how far he was willing to go to to convey a simple point, often dressing up as a related celebrity or fictional character. Even the show became aware of how ridiculous his dedication to the bit became, as they highlight this multiple times in a variety of episodes.

Across the seasons, Dean Pelton has dressed up as pretty much everything and everyone at one time or another, and sometimes the outfit isn't anything too outlandish.

Then there are the other times.

With outfits including Cruella De Ville, Tina Turner, and Lady Gaga... some of the outfits are more outlandishly out-there than others. Admittedly, the man deserves some credit for fitting in thematically and going to such an extent to only address minor announcements - and only to the study group, as far as we know - but it quickly becomes tedious and almost painful to watch.

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My name is Callum Marsh, but people tend to either call me Cal or Marsh (very creative, I know). Contact: