Community: 10 Most Cringeworthy Moments
7. Annie's Meltdown - Geography Of Global Conflict
It seems odd that a teen whose only crime is being too loquacious for the average person to bear could find herself on a list with the likes of Dean Pelton and Britta, but even the most subservient, exceptional academics have their less than stellar moments. Even if it is almost overshadowed by the line that Jeff utters in reaction to her juvenile behaviour.
When her competitive nature essentially possesses her and pushes her to a breaking point in a model UN showdown, while attempting to prove that she's still the best academic in the college after being threatened by her Asian counterpart of the same name, she has a complete meltdown akin to a bratty child throwing a tantrum. And to paraphrase Jeff Winger himself: she acted like a little schoolgirl and not in a hot way.
There's certainly a case for Jeff's unsettling anecdote to be considered the real cringe moment of this scene, but the way that Annie kicks and screams is just pure cringe. It makes her come across as bitter, unpleasant and more than anything else, she proves to everybody who still likens her to a child in prior episodes that they weren't too far from the truth.