Community: 10 Most Cringeworthy Moments

2. Britta's "song And Dance" - Remedial Chaos Theory

Community TV Show

To most critics, standard Community viewers and writers like myself, there seems to be this unanimous, almost sustained opinion that Remedial Chaos Theory is the pinnacle of this show with no contenders challenging it whatsoever. While that may be true, there is one standout moment that drags the episode down, even if only a minuscule amount.

The concept is that Jeff flips a die and whoever's number it lands on is the one to go and grab the pizza from downstairs, showing each scenario and just how different it would be depending on who went. The possibilities are seemingly endless and with each and every one that we see, the storyline becomes increasingly wild and unpredictable.

One thing that can be counted on to be both predictable and painful to watch in all six - it's thankfully left out of the last one - is the moment where Britta decides to start dancing like she's severely constipated and losing all cognitive ability. The dance is shambolically sad, but the accompaniment of the words "Pizza, Pizza, me so hungy, me so hungy" kind of want to make you want to throw your television out of the window, burn your house down and check yourself in for a lobotomy.

It really is that bad.

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My name is Callum Marsh, but people tend to either call me Cal or Marsh (very creative, I know). Contact: